
Selection of our scientific and professional periodicals, books, images, maps and other products.

Remote Sensing with TerrSet/IDRISI A Beginners Guide (New 2017 Edition)
USD$ 80.00

Remote Sensing with TerrSet/IDRISI - A Beginners Guide
Timothy A. Warner, David J. Campagna, Florencia Sangermano

New 2017 Edition


This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the TerrSet®/IDRISI® remote sensing software package. With clear instructions and more than 300 color illustrations, the text is ideal for students and professionals seeking a hands-on and guided exploration of the fundamental issues in remote sensing and image processing.


- Introduction
- Displaying remotely sensed data
- Importing, pre-processing and
exporting image
- Enhancing images spatially
- Image ratios
- Spectral enhancement techniques
- Introduction to classifying multispectral images
- Supervised classification
- Soft classification
- Classification error assessment
- Image change analysis

Year 2017
Pages 390 pages
Dimension 19 × 26 cm
Price Book: USD$ 55.00
Postage: USD$ 25.00
Total: USD$ 80.00
Remote Sensing with IDRISI
USD$ 60.00

Remote Sensing with IDRISI – A Beginner’s Guide
Timothy A. Warner, David J. Campagna

New Version

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the IDRISI® remote sensing software package. With clear instructions and color illustrations, the book is ideal for students and professionals seeking a hands-on and guided exploration of the fundamental issues in remote sensing and image processing.

Year 2013
Pages 308 pages
Dimension 19 × 26 cm
Price USD$ 60.00
Remote Sensing with IDRISI
USD$ 25.00

The Pearl River Delta As Seen From Satellite Images
K. N. Au

(2008 edition) with Fly-thru CD-ROM

This book comprises 4 main sections. Section 1 presents night-time images of the Pearl River Delta region, and Hong Kong & its environs. Section 2 contains images of 15 m resolution acquired by Landsat-7 satellite. Section 3 includes photos of 2 m resolution obtained by the Corona satellite. Section 4 features colour images of 60 cm resolution taken by the QuickBird satellite. These images were collected in the period 1969 – 2008. They show the spectacular changes in the Pearl River Delta region over the past 39 years.

Year 2008
Pages 128 pages
Dimension 11.25″ x 8.25″
Price USD$ 25.00
Remote Sensing with IDRISI
USD$ 17.00

Hong Kong As Seen From Satellite Images
K. N. Au

This book comprises spectacular images of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region acquired by Landsat-5, Landsat-7. SPOT-5, and QuickBird satellites on different dates. In addition, a black and white photo collected by Corona satellite in 1969 is included. When it is compared with a Landsat image acquired in 2003, the changes in Victoria Harbour over that period are shown vividly.

Year 2005
Pages 80 pages
Dimension 19 × 26 cm
Price USD$ 17.00